Light Therapy

At Citrus Wellness Studios, we believe light therapy is a powerful tool to help you feel your best—inside and out. Every session is tailored to meet your unique needs, supporting your wellness goals while promoting balance and renewal. Together, we’ll create a space where you can recharge, rejuvenate, and thrive—because true wellness starts with you.

What Light Therapy Can Do & The Sceince Behind it

illuminate your day with light therapy!

  • We use photobiomodulation, which involves using different colors of light to heal and restore the body. It can also stimulate physiological processes and repair damage caused by injury or disease. The process involves photons from specific wavelengths of light, triggering a series of enzymatic reactions in the mitochondria of cells. This helps restore cellular respiration, generating ATP and releasing Nitric Oxide into the bloodstream. This can lower pain, increase circulation, and speed up the replacement of damaged tissue. Using various tools, light therapy can help almost anybody return to a healthy, pain-free state. By stimulating the natural powers of our cells, helping them regenerate, repair, and restore more effectively. And with our bodies having nearly 50 trillion cells, what happens on the inside of each is a pretty big deal regarding our health.

    Over three thousand studies and studies by both NASA and the Mayo Clinic, plus being proven effective for more than 40 years. Light therapy has been found to show a 150% increase in cellular repair and strength. In addition to blue, “invisible” infrared and visible red light therapy positively affects living tissues and organisms on a cellular level.

  • Inflammatory damage is often seen in conditions like arthritis, autoimmune disorders, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and lung diseases, among others. Time and again, light therapy has been shown to effectively reduce inflammation in these and many similar cases. While pain can serve as a useful signal, it’s seldom something we want to endure!

  • Good circulation and blood flow are essential for every organ and function in the body. Everything from wound healing, lymphatic efficiency, eye health, and skin vitality to hormone production, bone strength, and cognitive and neurological activity depends on it. Light therapy supports and enhances each of these vital processes—and so many more.

  • "Not everyone experiences the same pain or stress, so we offer dynamic light therapy plans to help improve your circulation, decrease your pain, and reduce inflammation. Ready to take control of your health in a non-invasive, alternative way? Schedule your light therapy consultation today!"

  • Let’s get personable, we all want nice-looking skin! And light therapy is amazing with that as it goes beyond the surface of the skin, working at a cellular level to assist in improving cellular regeneration and increasing natural collagen and elastin.

    In a light therapy study, 90% of clients experienced softening of their skin texture and reduction of roughness, fine lines, while experiencing significant improvements with more subtle changes.

    With the combination of low-level of near-infrared (NIR) and low-level red light, it assists in stimulating collagen, and elastin production, while providing skin care benefits. Not only this, but the study also suggests that with this combination can be effective for all people.

The Benefits of Light Therapy

Because light therapy has been found to increase ATP, circulation, and nitric oxide, it leads to numerous benefits such as:

  • Decreased pain

  • Reduced inflammation, swelling, and edema

  • Decreased muscle tension and spasms

  • Increased range of motion

  • Sensation improvement

  • Reduced stress

  • Improved immune function

  • Help to balance hormones

  • Lowering Blood pressure

  • Seasonal allergen relief

  • And much more!